
Professional Footballers’ Association Contribute to the POC Fund

Gordon Taylor et al. posing for the camera

The POC Fund would like to express its sincere thanks to the Professional Footballers’ Association, who in February made a very generous donation of £1,000 towards the POC Fund campaign to remember the name of Patrick O’Connell. Pictured are Patrick’s grandson Michael and his wife Sue, who were presented with the cheque by PFA Chief Executive Gordon Taylor and ex-Manchester United Captain, Martin Buchan. Famously, O’Connell was the first Irishman to captain United – 2015 is the 100th Anniversary of this event – at the same time as being Captain of Ireland. Take a look at the link below (Manchester Evening News) which includes an excellent video with a warm tribute to Patrick and to the aims of the campaign from the PFA’s Gordon Taylor. (pic. courtesy Manchester Evening News).

Jill Buch

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